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Top Questions

Getting going? The most frequent queries posed by our users are listed below.

Brainstorm Team Meeting

Are all themes compatible with the plugins and extensions?

Yes, all of our plugins and extensions are compatible with all themes, however if you still have a problem, you may file a bug report here.

Office Hallway

Yes, multiple currencies are supported.

Confident Businesswoman

With WPML, we do indeed support language. Rest assured that any further multilingual plugins you use will also be supported. And on the contact page, you may talk to us if you have any questions.

Does the multi-site version of your plugins, extensions, and themes work?

Yes, you may install the Woo Choice Plugin for free on many websites. For extensions, however, you will have to buy further licences for the extra sites. Additionally, our theme is compatible with the WooCommerce and WordPress plugins.

If defects or issues appear after you deliver the website to us and it goes live, would you charge us to fix them?

You will continue to receive free support for the functions of our Plugin. Additionally, you will receive one year of support for the premium extensions and features. After a year, you must renew licences for certain extensions (features) if you want our assistance or to upgrade your extension with our update service. Renewal fees range from 10 to 22 percent of the extension's real cost. Also keep in mind that it is not always essential to renew support; you may continue to use our extensions and they will function, but you must renew it if you want to receive updates and support from us.

Why ought we to create a website using you?

Why you should pick us is because:

1. We offer all essential and cutting-edge functions for the building of jewellery and diamond websites.

2. All of our extensions (functionalities) are programmable.

3. Compared to the market, our prices are reasonable and you will undoubtedly find them to be less expensive, but that doesn't imply the quality has been sacrificed; you can see the quality and other criteria here.

4. We want to help technology.

5. We admire the high quality and dependability of our plugins and addons.

6. We want to satisfy our customers.

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